Lomma Beach

I dag började Andreas semester. Efter halva dagen gått kom jag till följande slutsats: om inte jag håller koll på honom kommer han att spendera hela alltet oklädd i soffan tillsammans med handkontrollen till PS3n. Och så ska vi verkligen inte ha det. Så idag drog jag också igång Project Summer 2009, en plan som syftar till att krama det mesta ur sommaren. Tillsammans. Han och jag. Inte han och kontrollen.
Denna den första dagen på en oändlig sommar åkte vi till Lomma Beach. Vi paxade den fetaste sanddynan och solbadade järnet. Kikade man upp fanns hela havet där; kikade man ner kunde man läsa sin medhavda bok. Sedan kom ett helt gäng högstadieelever och slog sig ner ett badlakan bort varpå det blev stört omöjligt att läsa. Istället köpte vi glass, gungade i takt till mobildiskot bredvid och tjuvlyssnade på tonårssnack. När vi blev varma gick vi ner och kände på vattnet. Jag lekte baddräktsmodell i vattenbrynet och Andreas ställde upp som paparazzi. 
På vägen tillbaka till bilen gick vi förbi vindsurfingssällskapet. Då vaknade en gammal passion i mannen min. Plötsligt bestämdes det att vi nästa gång på stranden ska hyra brädor och rida vågor. Se där. Allt talar för att Project Summer 2009 kommer att bli en succé.

Nio till fem

Bra bloggar gör livet lite mer värt att leva.

Bästa inlägget idag kommer från Nio till fem

We love den bloggen.


Såhär tillbringade jag en avsevärd del av fredagen. 
I hängmattan på en solig balkong.
Jag har haft det sämre.


I helgen har jag . . .

ätit frukost utomhus - använt vita byxor - gåtränat en barfotad systerdotter på solvarma plattor - badat i havet - simmat under vatten - besökt en offentlig toalett i bikini och sandaler - sett någon sola topless - ätit middag utomhus - vaknat i ottan av att rummet badade i ljus - gått upp klockan fem och bakat - somnat i en hängmatta - stått utomhus mitt i natten i kortärmad tröja utan att frysa - grillat på en balkong - köpt en solhatt - använt solskyddsfaktor - legat på stranden - läst min pocketbok med tårna nedkörda i strandsanden - ätit frukt på en filt i solen - kört förbi en skylt med hänvisning till köp av svenska jordgubbar - använt strumpbyxor till kjol bara för klädkodens skull - fått färg - ätit grillad halloumi för första gången - oförvarnat skrattat till gång på gång bara för att allt känns bra.

Måndag morgon. 
"Vilken helg," säger jag till ägaren av de grönmelerade ögonen på andra sidan frukostbordet. Vi sitter i solen på balkongen. Klockan är åtta. "Gud, vad bortskämd man är."

"Mmm," svarar han och ler. "Fast det är ju bättre det än motsatsen."

Three Little Birds

Since I found this version of Marley's "Three Little Birds," I have listened to it ten times a day.

Hummed, digged, danced, sang.

It simply makes me feel Good.

And I simply like things that do.

Good Morning!


Jag: Vad gör du idag? Vill du gå en långis?

Lina: Ja det vill jag. Vart?

Jag: Först till Skopunkten, nerom stan o hem?

Lina: Ok. När?

Jag: Måste duscha bara. Tre kvart?

Lina: Säg en timme...

Jag: Är hos dig om en timme.

Tänk så okomplicerad en solig lördagsmorgon kan vara.

Ane Brun

I love music, but know very little about it. I am more of a radio person, totally unaware of what goes on in the world right now, music vise.
Therefore, I need others. Therefore, I am grateful for any enlightening influence. I listen and learn. 
Last, Susanne opened my ears for Ane Brun, a Norwegian singer living in Stockholm. I am hooked. What a sound, what a voice.


Qualified Touches

Saturday I spent with mom on a fair for alternative treatments here in Kristianstad. Most of the tables offered suspicious healing methods.  
  • One woman tried to sell us magic rocks; she had a wide range of shining little beauties which were supposed to heal everything from nervousness to bad breath. 
  • One man healed peoples lungs by blowing through a huge Aboriginal horn pointed at their back.
  • A man and a woman worked together. They healed people by placing large copper bowls on their bodies and then brushing against the inside of the bowls with a big rubber club. During the session, they both closed their eyes and mumbled strange words. 

Mom and I went for the touching treatments. She got a session of Zone Therapy and I got Thai Massage. Apart from the awkwardness of taking my clothes off in front of strange people and showing my ugliest (but most comfortable) bra, it was heavenly.

The stranded whale on the massage table equals me.

Hot, Dried, and Smoked

I rarely get presents outside birthdays or Christmases. But a couple of days ago it happened.
When I went to pick the package up at the post office, the whole room smelled like Texan style dried, smoked hot peppers.
And sure enough. That is what it was.

Loads of it too.
Now my fridge smells, my kitchen smells, and my food tastes.
I am in heaven.

Spring Inside

88514-1621As I paid for my bag of apples at ICA on Tuesday morning, the cashier handed me a humble bouquet of daffodils. The flowers were probably Easter leftovers and given to early costumers that day in hope of reaching a good home.
Ten minutes later, they were placed in my grandparents' beautiful but unpolished silver vase and put above my kitchen fan. Then I left Kristianstad a and was not back until late Wednesday. 
Therefore I missed the transformation
When I came home, the once so humble bouquet had left its humbleness behind. Ten rubbery buds had exploded in a yellow splendor and filled the apartment with a sweet scent of spring. 
Yes, today it is spring inside.


I have spent this weekend doing something I have not done in a long time.

Nothing productive anyway, nothing with a higher goal.
And I have done it in the best possible way.
Together with friends.
So relaxed have I been, that I did not even notice the change of months. March snuck up on me unannounced. And all of a sudden winter is over.
Just like that.
The world seems to rotate without my interference.


An Extra Hour

Yesterday was nice and quiet. First Anna came over and we hung out at the pool for a couple of hours. The weather was beautiful, sunny and warm - absolutely perfect. It's interesting how people here now think it's getting cold, too cold for swimming anyway. I wonder how much longer the pool will be open. For dinner we all went out for burritos with some friends.
Today I woke up today at ten,
stayed in bed a while just because I could, went up, made breakfast and took my time... When I turned the computer on it was ten. Still. How often does that happen?

Life According to Schmaltz

Anyone who ever lived with a cat knows they hold the answers to all big questions in life. Schmaltz is no exception. Here are his guidelines to reach a happy and healthy life.



Never, ever rush.
Stress doesn't only cause sickness and anxiety; it also doesn't feel good. Give yourself plenty of time on your journey through life. If you stumble upon a nice looking spot; don't forsake the opportunity to sit (or lay) down for a moment.


Stretch often.
Your body is the temple of your soul, and taking care of it should be your highest priority. Make sure to stretch before and after every nap...


... and work every muscle in your body.


Sun is therapy.
Take every chance you can to enjoy a sunny day, even if it's through the glass of a window. Light makes us happier. Why not take a nap, bathing in sunlight?


Entertain your brain.
Spend some time every day to think about things that make you happy. It's easy getting carried away with all the "have-tos", and all the seriousness in our world, but we also need to give the head quarter a break every so often. Take a time-out, lay back and imagine a big can of fresh tuna.


Don't be afraid to put on your charm.
Sometimes life is too much about interacting with others. To make it easier you need to develop a set of pretty faces and convincing gestures. When you want to seduce someone, let them see you from your best angle.


The secret of not exhausting yourself is to lay some of your burdens on others. Make someone else rub your belly and tickle your chin, and you don't even have to move.


Use your senses selectively.
When someone says something you don't want to listen to, act like you didn't hear. When someone wants to show you something you don't want to see, pretend to be asleep.


Refuse to be ignored.
However, if you want someone to listen to you; you need to make yourself un-ignoreble. Get close up and keep eye contact.


Pick your fights.
Don't let just anyone pass through your territory without letting them know they offended you. Stand up for yourself; raise a paw and speak your mind.


Allow yourself to change your mind.
If you, in the middle of a cuddling moment, all of a sudden feel like wrestling instead; it's OK. Just attack the hand that's petting you.


The goal, though, is to take it easy as often as you possibly can. Claim your right to at least one nap per hour. If you need a tutor; get a cat.

Welcome Sweet July

Summer means eating as many fresh from the field strawberries as you want :-)

In a country where winter eats up half of the year summer is holy. During those long, dark months we live in emotional hibernation waiting for spring to bring back light and life. And so it does. Every year we learn it is worth while waiting for. Every year we come out of our hiding places, fill our hungering souls, bloom for a couple of months and remember what life is all about.
Swedish summer is magical and impossible to do justice through a key board. Sitting here with my balcony door open, letting midnight fill the room with scents and summer night's humming I still do not find words to describe it. Of course I am a child of my country and love it just therefore - but I still want to believe there is something more. Dark December is all forgotten and even if someone remembers the depressing sunless midwinter it all pays of in an overflow of light right now. July is the summer peak. 

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