My Seattle Office


Often when I have a lot to do in school, I have a hard time getting anything done. It's against all common sense, but I simply find myself so caught up in the stress of being busy that I have no peace to sit down and actually work. Instead I find a million other things to do. I organize my closet, do the laundry, clean up, bake, or check my emails yet another time. To get around this catch 22, I have forced a new rule upon myself: days when I have a lot to read or write, I am not allowed to stay at home.

So here's my new office: the Seattle's Best. It's very convenient, just around the corner from where I live. And they have great coffee. I also get to sit outside, which is nice; and as the picture demonstrates, it is not very crowded. Peace and quiet, great coffee, and no drawers to be sorted. What more could you ask of an office?

BTW - It is now the end of October and the weather is absolutely gorgeous. The last week, it's been about 25°C (77°F) and bright sunshine every day.

Mr. Pumpkin


On Wednesday it's Halloween and tonight I carved my first pumpkin ever. Here I am drawing the face.


And off comes the hat.


The yummy seeds were roasted and gone before I had a chance to take any pictures :-)



The scary Mr. Pumpkin. Now I am ready for All Hallows Eve.

And two pumpkin breads are baking in the oven.

Absolut Pasta Sauce


Went grocery shopping today and found this. I must admit that are two things I haven't put together before. Worth a try?

Walking by the Turtle Pond


These hard shell guys live in a little pond on the University of Texas' campus. There are tons of turtles in the area and sooner or later they won't seem exotic. But for now they do. I love the way they stick their heads up while swimming. First you don't notice them, but if you look closer... There are at least ten in this picture.



Up and Down

Sometimes I get stuck in a mood and can't get myself out. That's what it's been like lately. Without exactly knowing why, I've been sad and anxious and it's taking all of my time dealing with myself. Maybe I'm making my life more complicated than it has to be; maybe I'm truly in a difficult time and place. Either way, I'm feeling better and have started to work my way through the confusion that's kept me hostage. So don't give up on me. I'm coming around.

This image, a so called "impossible construction"hangs in our living room. It's was printed by the Dutch artist M.C. Escher in the 1940s, a time when the world to many people seemed to make no sense. The image is called Up and Down. Sometimes when I look at it, I imagine this is what my brain looks like inside.

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