
Ett litet minus av att bo tillsammans med någon som jobbar med IT är att hans dator blir en konkurrent. Ett stort plus är å andra sidan att man får hjälp med sådant man inte ens visste att man behövde. Som installation av ett bildredigeringsprogram. Det var så Picasa hamnade på min hårddisk.
Att fotografera och leka med bilder är kul. Det tyckte jag även när jag bara hade programmet för web-kameran att jobba med. I det avseendet är Picasa ett steg framåt som heter duga. Ett smakprov på det jag vanligtvis använder kommer nedan. Man kan dock göra mycket mer. Picasa är lätt att använda och perfekt för amatörer som bara vill snoffsa till sina egna bilder lite.

Orginalet av ett foto från i somras. Den där ramen runt bilden står inte jag för. Den fanns med när jag klickade ner bilden från brudparets hemsida. Man kan dock sätta en egen ram runt ett foto, men då blir den antingen helt enkel, vit, utan blomstergrejset nere i hörnet. Eller...
... kan man trixa till det och göra polaroidbilder. Självklart kan man lägga till text.

Man kan också leka med "soft focus" och göra omgivningen dimmig...

... eller leka med färgfokus och bara sätta färg på det man vill.

Man kan välja serpia, för den där gammeldagsa looken...

... eller sätta ihop en massa bilder till ett collage. 
                                                                                                     Det blev ett långt svar på din fråga Maria ;-)



Stora Torg, Kristianstad. Måndag morgon.
Någon glömde visst att stänga av vattnet innan han gick för helgen.


Jag har bett om bildbevis ända sedan Andreas skickade sms från Anderstorp för några veckor sedan.
"Jag har träffat knugen :-)" 
Inget man bara kan slänga ur sig sådär, liksom. Dessutom växte historien snart. Med handslag, småprat och överräckande av en glasplankett. 
Hem kom han och jag fick se alla de andra bilderna. På bilar, bilar, bilar, racerförare, bilar, bilar, bilar, Per Gessle, Mikael Persbrandt, bilar, bilar bilar, öldrickande och tältresande funktionärer. Och så fler bilar och ännu fler bilar. Dock ingen kung.
"Jag tog den ju inte själv. Finns inte i min kamera," var svaret.
Idag, då så lång tid passerat att jag nästan glömt berättelsen, kom det. Beviset. Kolla, kolla. Coolaste funktionären på The Ronnie Peterson Historic Grand Prix överräcker - på eget initiativ - en glasplakett till Carl XVI Gustav! 
Undrar om kungen också har ställt sin på hederplats i vardagsrummet. Kanske.



A carrier of summer.
Lost on a dusty floor.



Napping with Schmaltz






Imse Vimse

This beauty has built her web right outside our front door, blocking the concrete path for anyone taller that an elf. Our neighbors and we have to jump over a small hedge and walk over the grass not to disturb her. And so we do - as we bow our heads to nature.
Isn't she majestic?




This curious little squirrel kept me company at my coffee break yesterday.



No matter how annoying the rain was, it made the roses ten times more beautiful.



So true, so true.


Linné dedicated his life to categorizing plants. The classifications he did are still used. These are copes of Linné's wall papers; his own pictures. Pretty nice, huh. 

B u i l d i n g s

At Fredriksdal, you can see what houses and homes looked like centuries ago. Even though the buildings are partly restored, they are all real homes from the time they represent.


This manor from 1787 was donated to the town of Helsingborg in 1916 and the reason Fredriksdal became a park. The house is beautiful; I would move in any day.


This house is a little older and the people who lived here were hard working farmers. Due to a fire, the outside of the house is partly blackened.


Beds... It's probably a good thing I didn't live back when you slept like this. I get clausterfobic just looking at them.




House number three is very old; parts of it dates back from the 17th century. The owners were wealthy farmers.


Very picturesque.


A rich farm had its own loom. This one is from . . .



An indoor swing for the youngest.


This is probably what a typical block of a town would have looked like a century, or a couple of centuries back. However, since Sweden hasn't been in war for hundreds of years, many old parts of towns are well kept. These kinds of houses are still common today, although we seldom build like this anymore.


Old-style houses meets modern construction.


Newly Weds


I sat down in the park in front of the court house the other day. A couple just got married and came to take pictures. I snapped one too.

Beautiful fall





A little of this, a little of that ... and a touch of heaven

Walking around
Just walking around a new neighbourhood is interesting, even more so in a new country. I of course see lots of things differently since I'm used to something else. Anyway, here are small glimpses of what we have around the corner from my new home.


A sidewalk is a sidewalk is a sidewalk.
The truth is that sidewalks are very different in Sweden compared to this. They are almost always much wider, made of asphalt, and connected in huge networks covering all parts of towns and cities. That means you can basically walk to anywhere or get there by bike. Sidewalks are on my top three list of things I miss from home when I'm in the states. I would give anything to be able to ride my bike to school in the spring.
They don't look like this at home, thereof the picture.
Misty Wood circle. That's where you need to go if you want to stop by :-)
Not in the neighbourhood, but in a beautiful park not too far away - my favourite tree! I love the carved names on the trunk and how the roots crawl all over the rocks.


Pet Haven - where pets go religious
If I ever die I hope they send me out to sea on a burning raft. Way too few do it that way. Some even bury their four footed friends with grave stones and everything. Just down the street from u s is Dulaney Pet Haven.

If the draft thing doesn't work out I want my hand print on the grave stone, just like Madchen.
How sweet is this? A cat, a dog and a mouse together in eternal rest.
Hm... A religious dog? People ask the strangest things of their past away pets. Wherever she is I hope Winnie chase balls and play with other dead dogs instead of talking to Jesus.

Schmaltz modeling

The most appreciative object for my camera is Schmaltz. He shows unbelievable patience with my getting-to-know-my-camera-and-therefore-taking-the-same-picture-over-and-over-again stage. He's a photographers dream and every shot comes out beautiful (the ones that don't are usually my fault). Also, he never, unlike most two legged people, makes those false, forced smiles that take the authentic out of so many pictures. Overall he's my favorite little model, even though it takes crawling around on the floor and a lot of sweet talking to keep him happy.





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