Up and Down

Sometimes I get stuck in a mood and can't get myself out. That's what it's been like lately. Without exactly knowing why, I've been sad and anxious and it's taking all of my time dealing with myself. Maybe I'm making my life more complicated than it has to be; maybe I'm truly in a difficult time and place. Either way, I'm feeling better and have started to work my way through the confusion that's kept me hostage. So don't give up on me. I'm coming around.

This image, a so called "impossible construction"hangs in our living room. It's was printed by the Dutch artist M.C. Escher in the 1940s, a time when the world to many people seemed to make no sense. The image is called Up and Down. Sometimes when I look at it, I imagine this is what my brain looks like inside.

Postat av: J.

Don´t worry....everything´s gonna be alright ;-)
I never give up on you! My favorite relative!
Sending you lots of love from my little corner in the office!

2007-10-02 @ 07:42:42
Postat av: Brother

Ha ha.... I know the feeling! But in the end it will all work out just fine. Sometimes it´s a struggle to get there though. After, when you look back you often wonder why it felt so difficult. It´s when you are in the middle of it everything feels like a mess. In the long run a couple of months is nothing. But at the moment it is everything..

2007-10-02 @ 11:01:37
Postat av: mom

Välkommen tillbaka Åsa. Jag har saknat dig, massor.

2007-10-03 @ 17:50:03

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