Baby News

Maxx is getting older so fast. Yesterday he turned two months and his slow aunt Åsa didn't even remember. I better shape up if I want to keep my position as the super aunt. I promise to come and see you soon!
It is raining babies in my family and among my friends. Last night, my cousin Jimmy and his Stina had a little girl and any day, my bästis Caroline will deliver her Wiggo.
And I... Well, one of my plants just got a new sprout.

Postat av: mom

Your time will come, my baby.

2008-03-22 @ 12:09:59
Postat av: Anonym

You will always be Maxx´s "superfavoriteauntie! nomatter what you do and where you are ;-)

2008-03-22 @ 16:47:05

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