A Hug

Yesterday I run into Christina Gullin, a teacher I had in a couple of literature classes a year or so ago. I loved her, always sat at the front row of the classroom, as a child on Christmas, with twinkling eyes, and wanted more, More, MORE. I wanted to be like her, wanted her knowledge, her enthusiasm, her academic style, and her calmness.


When I needed to do my final presentation a little early - in order to make it over to the States in time to start school there - she worked out an alternative seminar for me. She was excited for me and interested in hearing about my plans.


I hadn't seen her in more than a year when I met her at school yesterday. Her face lit up when she saw me.


We spoke for a while. She asked a bunch about the States, about Marty and me, how we would work things out and what plans I have for the future. I got all warm inside. I couldn't believe she remembered and my business like that.


Then she gave me a hug.


A Hug!
How many college teachers hug their students? Maybe more of them should.

It warms still.

Postat av: Maria

Håller med. Christina Gullin är en kär lärare. :)

2008-02-13 @ 13:26:48
URL: http://ljungbergskan.webblogg.se
Postat av: mom

Där ser du, du är värd att minnas.

2008-02-13 @ 17:54:10

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