Itching Fingers

I look at my face in the mirror. Six large scabs stare back.
My fingers itch.
I want, I want, I want - to touch, rub, scratch, feel, pick, and peel.
They are perfect now. Would come right off. Probably just leave pink circles of fresh skin.
But the doctor said NO. Threatened with SCARS.
I picture six scars greeting me every morning. 
As I sit on my hands.
Today's word: meddlesome

Postat av: Brother

Ha ha.....
I know the feeling all to well. I can never keep my fingers away.

2008-04-21 @ 18:02:04
Postat av: Maria

Ahh..I know exactly what you mean! I have that problem too, and I so easily get scars...Hoppas vi kan höras snart! Kramis

2008-04-21 @ 18:39:06
Postat av: mom


2008-04-21 @ 19:04:13

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