I Made It Through

I know I have neglected the blog lately. School has been crazy the last couple of weeks and I have simply had too much to do to take the time to sit down and write. If I didn't know it before, this semester has proved how sensitive I am to stress. Taking four classes at the time has been a new experience to me and the whole situation of suddenly having everything be in English took much more effort than I am used to give. However, today I wrote my last two finals and am thereby officially DONE my semester. It feels sooooo good. I have to wait a couple of days before I know how I did on the exams from today, but the grades for the other two classes are already posted. I got an A in American Literature and an A- in Folklore and Literature. The minus bugs me, but to be honest I didn't expect an A at all, so... Perhaps I should work on being satisfied.

Postat av: Brother

Work and school allways comes first. But It´s wonderfull to have you back.
You must be one of the most hard-working persons I know and smartest ;-) fjäsk fjäsk

2007-05-24 @ 14:59:58

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