Wednesday Wonders

In the middle of the night, I woke up by an intense pounding of rain against the windows. It is normally soothing listening to rain but when it keeps you up at four in the morning it is not that wonderful. I also stayed up way too late last night and had problems falling asleep, so it would have been nice getting a few hours of rest. But nope. There would be no sleep for me. Just before seven I gave up, got up and turned on the TV:s morning news. There is a Swede in space, in England girls are being killed one after the other, seemingly endless rainstorms are flooding the west of Sweden. But it is also Lucia today, one of my favorite days of the year :-)
Lately I have been caught up in the planning for my trip. There are a million things that need to come together for it to work. Documents need to be sent for, filled out or written and signed; I need to talk to people, the right people and in the right order. I am renting out my apartment here, trying to get teachers, counselors and principals at my Swedish University to accept the deal with Towson, trying to get Towson to accept the deal with the Swedish University. Next week I am going to Stockholm for an interview at the American Embassy to get my visa. I am terrified I have not filled out all the forms correctly or that I somehow come through as suspicious. I picture a row of merciless men in black suites starring at me from behind shiny desks. I imagine them speaking in thundering thriller-voices and pointing at me with long index fingers.

Well, maybe that is to overdo it, but still. Without their approval I do not even get though the doors at Towson.


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