Thank you mom,
22:42 Det plingar till i mobilen.
Hej moster.
Mamma tycker att du ska kolla hur gullig jag e
när jag sover i vagnen.
Hysteriskt tycker jag......
Hur som helst, så gillar jag att du bor nära igen.
Jag har saknat dig!!!
Kramar från Thyra
- - -
Oh, hur underbart är det inte att vara moster!
Har saknat dig också.
De små
Blöta pussar
Klibbiga småhänder
Rundade fotsulor
Ljusa fjun på mjuka hjässor
Himmelsblå blickar
En sömnsvettig nacke
Klibbiga småhänder
Rundade fotsulor
Ljusa fjun på mjuka hjässor
Himmelsblå blickar
En sömnsvettig nacke
Plötsliga skratt
Fyra risgryn
Knubbiga nävar om mina pekfingrar
Barnslig otålighet
Stapplande steg
Barnslig stolthet
Plötsliga skratt
Fyra risgryn
Knubbiga nävar om mina pekfingrar
Barnslig otålighet
Stapplande steg
Barnslig stolthet
Värmer mitt hjärta
Birthday Party
The birthday party was a big hit. Linus got the ostrich AND the wolf. Mom found it for him. But birthdays are tricky, especially if you have a four year old brother who is much better at unwrapping presents than you are. However, Linus loved the wolf, and the ostrich, zebras, puzzles, and toys. His mommy and daddy loved the clothes. In the end, everyone was happy.
Up till the cake came out.
Up till the cake came out.
Twenty people standing up and singing in loud voices can be scary for a little boy sitting down. Even if he is holding mommy's hand. And it's difficult blowing out candles through your snuffles.
For some reason, I didn't manage to catch the older kids on camera. Maybe because they only sat still when they ate. Here are some of the rest of us:
My brother Björn, Jenny, and Maxx.
Peppe, my sister Marie, and Thyra
Thyra and uncle Björn take a look at Maxx' ball.
Look at those eyes! Maxx shows the big blue for his godmother to be.
In a year or so these cousins will be running around playing rather than sitting still with their aunt.
Baby News
Maxx is getting older so fast. Yesterday he turned two months and his slow aunt Åsa didn't even remember. I better shape up if I want to keep my position as the super aunt. I promise to come and see you soon!
It is raining babies in my family and among my friends. Last night, my cousin Jimmy and his Stina had a little girl and any day, my bästis Caroline will deliver her Wiggo.
And I... Well, one of my plants just got a new sprout.
It is raining babies in my family and among my friends. Last night, my cousin Jimmy and his Stina had a little girl and any day, my bästis Caroline will deliver her Wiggo.
And I... Well, one of my plants just got a new sprout.
Alfons & Thyra
Today, my uncle and cousin had a combined birthday dinner. Our family dinners are way more fun nowadays, since the kids started coming.
Unfortunately, Linus was too sick to come this time and Maxx stayed home with Jenny. That left Alfons and Thyra to rule the event. Alfons turned into a little entertainer, played peek-a-boo with his (second) cousin, gave her soft hugs and wet kisses, showed her all the animals in his collection, generously shared his toys, and almost taught her how to sing "Happy Birthday".
Thyra was totally impressed.
Unfortunately, Linus was too sick to come this time and Maxx stayed home with Jenny. That left Alfons and Thyra to rule the event. Alfons turned into a little entertainer, played peek-a-boo with his (second) cousin, gave her soft hugs and wet kisses, showed her all the animals in his collection, generously shared his toys, and almost taught her how to sing "Happy Birthday".
Thyra was totally impressed.
Thyra is growing so fast. It is fun watching her getting bigger and better at controlling things around her. She also just got her first two teeth! Cutie.
Many times it is not toys who are the most fun to play with. This camera case was way more fun that both the playing duck and rattling hippo.
Wet Game
My mom playing with Thyra last Sunday. Thyra enjoyed getting to know the yellow duck with stretchable neck, judging of the abundance of wet kisses it got.
Siblings and Cousins
My first first picture on my first and only nephew, Maxx Ricardh Vincent. What a Star! Yesterday, Maxx was released from the hospital. Today, both his aunts and his cousin came visiting. Maxx was not easily impressed. He slept through most of it.
My brother and his son - Björn and Maxx.
My sister and her daughter - Marie and Thyra.
Thyra showing off in her longhorn (University of Texas) outfit.
Thyra eating her nighttime formula in aunt Åsa´s lap. Yummy!
Maxx, two days old.
Jenny and Maxx
It's a Boy
The picture is a little dark, but here he is. My brother and Jenny had a little boy early this morning.
Today my sister and her family visited. It's been six months since I last saw them, so it was great to catch up. Thyra, my niece, has grown a ton and is now a big girl!
Yet, she is not standing by herself, but she is very stable. It's a nice thing about being a baby, that others do for you the things you can't. Here, grandma offers support.
Peek-a-boo. I see you!
My old baby quilt worked great as a playground.
Thyra playing with mommy.
A tiny foot high up in the air.
My hat was a little too big, but turned into a great toy.
Happy Birthday Pappa
Today would be your 56th birthday.
I miss you.
I miss you.
First out is Thyra, who visited us on Sunday together with her parents, uncle Björn and aunt Jenny. This is how pretty my three week old niece is nowadays. She is apparantly a very good eater and has put on a whole kilo since the first time I saw her!
Uncle Björn's lap is a soft and comfy place for a nap.
AND . . .
. . . cousin number two! Soon Thyra's firs cousin will arrive! Björn & Jenny are pregnant!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! We wish you all luck; we are so happy for you and know you will be great parents.
Tiny Thyra
Today I, my mom, and Björn went to see Marie, Peppe, and Thyra. Thyra is still under observation at the neonatal intensive care unit at Helsingborg Hospital, although she seems to be doing better and better. She is slowly learning to eat by mouth and is gaining weight. Over the last couple of days she's put on some serious 25 grams (0.05 pounds). Altogether, she is just over 2000 grams (4,4 pounds).
Wrapped in a soft blanket, Thyra is keeping warm. Without the necessary body fat, she needs help to keep the right body temperature.
Looks pretty comfortable to me.
Thyra is flirting . . .
. . . and smiling.
A newborn grandmother with her newborn granddaughter.
Thyra almost disappears in the huge arms of Uncle Björn.
Peppe, Marie, and Thyra. A new family was born on Tuesday evening, and a family branch added to my own. I wish you the best of luck and will always be here for you - wherever I might be.
Wrapped in a soft blanket, Thyra is keeping warm. Without the necessary body fat, she needs help to keep the right body temperature.
Looks pretty comfortable to me.
Thyra is flirting . . .
. . . and smiling.
A newborn grandmother with her newborn granddaughter.
Thyra almost disappears in the huge arms of Uncle Björn.
Peppe, Marie, and Thyra. A new family was born on Tuesday evening, and a family branch added to my own. I wish you the best of luck and will always be here for you - wherever I might be.
Happy Birthday Björn!
Today is my brother's birthday! He has escaped rainy Sweden and fled with Jenny to Mallorca. Good for you!
Thyra Cornelia Lennemark
Tuesday evening, Marie and Peppe had a baby girl. That makes me an aunt!
Welcome Thyra, I can't wait to meet you.
Being Loved
Yesterday when I came home from school, a wonderful surprise waited for me outside the apartment door. Mom had sent me flowers! A big bouquet of beautiful blue and yellow; a touch of home. I was so surprised! I can't believe she sent me flowers all the way over the Atlantic Ocean. It makes me feel very special - and very loved.
In Memoriam
Remembering my father, July 15th 1951 - March 31st 2003
I can't believe it's been four years since you left us.
You are missed and loved - Always.